Sample package in the PyPI registry

Update (2024-03-08): Bump the checkout and setup-python action versions, and set target python version to 3.9.

This guide walks you through the necessary steps to upload your package to the 🐍 Python Package Index (PyPI) with some recommendations along the way.

Table of Contents

Dry-run (Publishing to TestPyPI)

This step is optional but recommended.

TestPyPI is a separate instance of the real package index which is intended for testing and experimentation. This is a good way to test out your package before uploading to the real index.

  1. Register an account for TestPyPI

  2. Create a TestPyPI API token – make sure to set the scope to “Entire account”

  3. Use twine to upload your package

    $ python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine
    # replace dist with the directory where your distribution archive is located
    $ python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

    You will be prompted for your TestPyPI username and password. Use the following values.

    __token__API token including the pypi- prefix

    Alternatively you can also use a .pypirc file to define your package indexes config i.e. TestPyPI, PyPI. If you choose to go this route, create a $HOME/.pypirc file with the following contents:


    You can also use the password field and paste in your API token but the recommended way is to use keyring (which is installed by Twine) for saving credentials such as API tokens and passwords. You can do so with:

    keyring set <value_of_api_token>

    Once the upload process has finished, you should be able to view your package on TestPyPI at

  4. Installing and testing out your package

    $ python3 -m pip install \
    --index-url --no-deps your-package

    Note that the no-deps flag is specified as one or more of your package’s dependencies might not be present in TestPyPI and may cause the installation to fail.

    Once the installation has finished you can test it out by importing your package.

    $ python3
    >>> from example_package import your_function
    >>> your_function.do_something()

    Note that the import package will always be example_package regardless of the name you’ve configured for your package.

    That’s it, you can now try and upload your package to the real index.

Publishing to PyPI

The steps are identical with how you would upload a package to TestPyPI. The main difference is that you’ll have to register an account and create an API token at PyPI, as the former is a separate instance of PyPI.

  1. Register an account for PyPI

  2. Create a PyPI API token – make sure to set the scope to “Entire account”

  3. Use twine to upload your package

    $ python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine
    # replace dist with the directory where your distribution archive is located
    $ python3 -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*

    You will be prompted for your PyPI username and password. Use the following values.

    __token__API token including the pypi- prefix

    Alternatively you can also use a .pypirc file to define your package indexes config i.e. TestPyPI, PyPi. If you choose to go this route, create a $HOME/.pypirc file with the following contents:


    You can also use the password field and paste in your API token but the recommended way is to use keyring (which is installed by Twine) for saving credentials such as API tokens and passwords. You can do so with:

    keyring set <value_of_api_token>

    When the upload process finishes, you should be able to view your package on PyPI at

  4. Installing and testing out your package

    python3 -m pip install your-package

    Once the installation has finished you can test it out by importing your package.

    $ python3
    >>> from example_package import your_function
    >>> your_function.do_something()

    Congrats, you’ve successfully published your pacakge to PyPI. 🎉

Bonus: Automation with GitHub Actions

You’ll probably want to automate this process as part of your CI/CD pipeline. Here’s how to set it up using GitHub Actions.

  1. Create a new PyPI API token

  2. Add the API token as a secret to your target GitHub repository. You can find this under Settings > Secrets for your repo. Give the secret a name e.g. PYPI_API_TOKEN.

  3. Create a GitHub action workflow file in your repo at .github/workflows/pypi-publish.yml with the following contents:

    name: Publish package to PyPI
        types: [created]
        name: Build and publish to PyPI
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v4
        - name: Set up Python 3.9
          uses: actions/setup-python@v4
            python-version: 3.9
        - name: Install pypa/build
            run: >-
              python -m
              pip install
        - name: Build a binary wheel and a source tarball
            run: >-
              python -m
              --outdir dist/
        - name: Publish package
            uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
            password: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }}

    This workflow is triggered when a new release is created but you can also configure it to be triggered when a different event happens e.g. when a new tag gets pushed. Refer to the GitHub Actions documentation for more configuration options.

    That’s it, time to get publishing.